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jeudi 15 novembre 2018

Characteristics Of Food Bank In Walla Walla

By Margaret Snyder

Storage of foodstuff helps one to plan for the future and be ready for any form of emergency that can occur at any given time. Different organizations and institutions have the food banks that they use to keep foodstuff for future use. Schools usually use their storage facility for keeping foodstuff to be used during feeding programs such as lunch, tea breaks, and dinners. This enables the school not to run out foodstuff at any time. Down are some characteristics of the food bank in Walla Walla.

Location. Construction of the foodstuff storage structure should be done in areas that are affected by various forms of risks. These risks may include, fire outbreaks that clear the crops in the field. Floods can also be a risk factor that can lead to the establishment of storage property for foodstuff. When such emergencies occur, people are usually internally displaced thus need for the immediate provision of nutrition items.

Storage equipment. There is different storage equipment that must be installed inside the food bank. The use of cooler boxes, fridges are among equipment that must be used in storing of diet material that can take a short time without going bad. The items that are mostly stored include groceries and cereals such as maize, sorghum, wheat flour, and beans. With the emerging trends in the storage industry, most of the foodstuff facilities are now installing modernized equipment.

Type of food. Various nutrition materials can be stored in the foodstuff storage facility. Specialist prefers having a foodstuff facility that can accommodate only those that can take long without going bad. Components such as canned salmon, canned chicken, canned beans and peanut butter can easily be kept in these granaries. Apart from edible stuff, you can still store other materials such as clothing, medical materials and other items to use during emergencies.

Budget. When installing the storage property, note the cost that you are likely to incur to when building it. Apart from the cost of building such structures that are used to store foodstuff, note the cost of maintenance. It should not exceed the total amount that was used in constructing it. Materials such as iron sheets and metallic walls should be cheap to reduce the cost of construction.

The capacity of the structure. There are three different sizes that you expect to find in a storage facility. The sizes include medium, large and small. Small storage structures are usually seen in private homes. The medium structure is most common in institutions such as universities and public schools. The large size storage area for food items are available in refugee camps, cereals headquarters, airports, and ports.

Design. Different contractors have different methods of designing foodstuff storage facilities. The commonly used method for constructing a storage room is the use of raised center dormers and windows that are in rows. There are other forms of making a storage room, and you can choose to use the portable one that enables you to move from one place to another. The storage rooms are usually used in areas where people are constantly migrating.

The labor force must have good reputation during the distribution of foodstuff during emergencies. The labor force working with that humanitarian in charge of that storage facility should not discriminate any individual despite political, social and economic difference. They should practice humility and honesty for their reputation to be good.

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